JSDraw Web Services are needed to get this work.
Source Code:scil.ready(function () { var jss = new JSDraw2.Table("", { searchable: true, columns: [ { key: 'compid', caption: 'Comp ID', width: 120 }, { key: 'compstructure', caption: 'Comp Structure', type: 'compstructure', width: 200 }, { key: 'mf', caption: 'MF', type: 'mf' }, { key: 'mw', caption: 'MW', type: 'mw' }, { key: 'ic50', caption: 'IC50', type: 'float' }, { key: 'note', caption: 'Note', width: 300 } ] }, "Div1"); });This example demonistrate how to convert text into structures. To try it: